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Lewis Brackett

 The Coming Storm  

   Nay, many would argue, and with good reason, that the storm in already upon us. Decades ago, none of us could imagine the world we now live in.  An old timer  I knew a number of years ago lament to me, saying “where is my country? This is not the country I grew up in. ”  I sadly echoed  his dismay. Neither do I now recognize my country.

   This article is not to frighten anyone. Its purpose is to educate, and  get the fence sitters off the fence. Remember that the Devil owns the fence too!

    Truth has become an orphan, despised, shunned and rejected. It’s voice mocked by all the “right” people. Do not dare listen to her voice, lest you also occupy the same gutter where truth finds itself.

   Climate Change, the new ideology.

   Beside the  pathetic triune god of Darwin, Freud and Marx, ((see my last article here,)) we see the “new” doctrine of climate change.  Ignore the facts that every now and again (few centuries)  the climate changes like the weather.  This is something you are not supposed to notice. The Elites stooges have been  editing, altering and thus burning the books for over 100 years. Beware that after defaming and burning the books they start defaming and burning the people of these books.  The Roman writers  Pliny the elder and Tacitus wrote about their world. In their time all of North Africa was a fertile prairie where the grain was grown  and It’s seaports of Carthage and Cyrene  fed the Roman empire.  Egypt’s Sinai was a forested wilderness instead of  today’s desert. Egypt had vast forests, was green hundreds of miles south into the prosperous African kingdoms.       Shades of  Ozymandias, their kingdoms’ greatness is now only blowing dust.

    Israel and Lebanon had vast forests of trees, and fertile valleys and coastal lowlands. This fertile Crescent extended through Syria and into Iraq, where now it’s nearly barren desert.

   The latest climate change happened between the ninth to the middle of the fourteenth centuries, which resulted in a far warmer period than it is today.

   Today’s climate alarmists totally ignore these truths, hysterically wailing that these eras never existed, that the little ice age from 1350 to the latter part of the 19th century had been  the Normal  for 12.000 years. Talk about burning the books!

     Remember  their delusional “hockey Puck” graph they tout endlessly?

  With all this, what’s the point of these climate change fanatics? Their point is that there are too many people, useless eaters, an endless  herd of cattle. In the words of Darwin, these useless eaters  need to be thinned out, culled down to a “sustainable level” the Earth can support.  In case you didn’t notice,  We are that cattle.  This ideology receives thunderous applause whenever it is mentioned at the Elite’s  yearly  Davos meetings.

   Culling the herd.

      Plague has been used as a weapon of war since the beginning of organized  slaughter. History is replete with stories of ancient sieges where catapults would be used to fling plague infested twitching bodies over the walls into a city to spread fear dread among the population. Plague weakened the defenders, making it far easier to storm a fortress.  It is no secret that before the colonization of North America traders were sent out to trade blankets taken from  English hospitals full of Smallpox patients to the native Americans. This was a deliberate policy of extermination of a people. It was smallpox that paved the way for colonization, killing off ninety percent of the native population.

    With all this in mind, it is no wonder that these Elites would see that plague, no matter what its name is, would feature rather loudly in their plans for us,

     Thing is, the obvious concept of deliberate gain of function research then the deliberate release of Covid into the Chinese population is in total accord with the world elite's stated goal of massive population reduction by 2030. Why in China? Because the Chinese population's immune systems have been degraded by the intense pollution there. Why released at that time? Because several million Chinese were home on vacation for the New Year festivals, family time. They were easily infected convenient virus spreaders.

    Why now? The New World Order Elite had everything else in place to do the final implementing of their plans for establishing their long planned New Feudal World Order by killing six billion people. It is no accident that virus mutations keep popping up.  In my humble opinion, these are also carefully created and spread whenever they want more lockdowns.  Climate Change lockdowns are already beginning in Europe to further disrupt and destroy supply chains. Its all part of the elites carefully laid plan of genocide.

     Covid destroys supply chains food production causing death by famine as well as death by the  Covid virus. This is a perfect two-for in their eyes.

   The elites are certainly immensely pleased with themselves  in the number of elderly useless eaters that have been eliminated in this present pandemic.

    In line with this policy, the immune systems of a large percentage of the formerly healthy young adults have been compromised as well. This is good news in their eyes, as that reduces the number of children that will be born. Many of these young people  are dropping dead because the covid shots are causing massive blood clots, killing many and crippling a host of others.

    This is no vaccine in the historical and medical sense. To put it simply, this thing is messing with the way people bodies  react to detected pathogens. When you do this, in many cases, our immune systems no longer react properly, and an AIDS results. We all remember AIDS?  The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome?  In many people this is still a death sentence, every bit as deadly as a classic pandemic.


   A natural immunity is far more effective in combating these intrusive pathogens.  I am 74, but have a good immune system. I had covid twice in the last two years. The second time I did not even know until a nurse did a test. In both cases I was fine in a couple days. God knew what He was talking about when He said not to eat the pig. The corruption in such scavengers  as pigs compromises  the immune system according to university studies.

   Digital currency & forced rationing of   everything.

   We have all noticed the private digital currencies that have been created over the last several years. It has also been quite obvious that this is a passing thing.     The World Elite through their captive governments   cannot allow this to continue .  They have their own sinister plans for us. Do you remember Klaus Schwab’s  ominous pronouncement that the general population “will own nothing and be happy?” Once a  digital currency is in place, strict rationing of what you will be allowed to have will be implemented. A Chinese type “social credit score” will track the opinions of everyone. Those poor lost souls insisting on liberty and privacy will immediately become non persons not able to use what digital money they once had, thus not able to buy or sell, hold a job, get or keep housing.  They and their families will starve  until they shut up and get back in compliance with the system. The Bible in the book of revelation talks about this imminently coming time where no one will be allowed to buy or sell unless they swear allegiance to the World Ruler.

    We have all heard about the implementing of a digital currency later this year.  How much time do you really think you, your family have before this storm breaks upon the whole world?

    This forming  of a  tyrannical world government  is imminent.  The storm can break any time.

So is there any hope? Yes, in the saving power of Jesus Christ. He is coming very soon to remove His faithful Church before these  evil men can complete their purpose in setting up their brief kingdom. !st Corinthians 15:52.   Seek Jesus  out and find Him as your personal savior today. Romans 10:9-13.

     A Postscript for my For my February 9th 2023 NWV article About the founding of the New World Order.

     June 1914, these NWO Elite had set the stage for a world war. Many voices demanded Austria take drastic action against their rebellious provinces, which would certainly begin a war with Russia. Archduke Franz Ferdinand desperately sought peace. He directly intervened to prevent war on two occasions. The conspirators arranged for him to visit the troubled province of  Serbia in a highly publicized visit.

   They made sure he and his beautiful wife Sophie were driven in an open topped car slowly through the streets so waiting marksmen shot both to death, removing the last obstacle  to war. A few days later, the first world war began.

Radisson the Mountian Man 1651-1710 Pathfinders of the West  by  A.C. Laut


"Narratives of the Indian Wars 1675 1699"
  Massachusetts  Bay Colony                                         by   Charles Henry Lincoln



Narratives of New Netherland,                   (New York)

1609-1664                                                     By J. Franklin Jameson     Charles Scribner's Sons, 1909 514 pages

The Antichrist’s kingdom … will be the “New normal.”

   Forsake not the assembling together …as you see the day approaching

   The good old days are not coming back. However Jesus IS coming back.  His return for His Church is imminent. We are now a bit past the end of the sixth day, 6000 years since Adam was created. The rapture, and the seven year Tribulation period is imminently  upon us. The New World Order’s brief kingdom and lasting infamy  has been thoroughly prepared and ready to descend upon this unsuspecting generation.

   A couple articles ago, I mentioned that a digital currency is being rolled out this year. We all noticed the  recent bank failure the last couple days in California as well as the news that other banks could fail as well. Certainly, a designed failure of the banking  and currency system is required to coerce  people into using their new digital currency. This will bring about the New World Order  Beast system. Are you watching?

    By all evidence, the jab, the required shot will soon become the mark of the beast. Without the shot that also gets you ID Chipped, those left behind after the rapture  will not be able to buy or sell in the new digital money system. If you cannot wave your  chipped hand over the scanning machine at the checkout, you cannot access your digital account. You cannot buy or sell unless you swear allegiance to the AntiChrist as God.  Your digital account will be canceled. You and your family will be hungry,  homeless and hunted.  So, don’t miss the rapture!

   So no, writing your congressmen will avail you nothing. Most of them have already been clued in and are on what they see is the winning side.  Pretesting in the street will merely identify you as those troublemakers to be refused access to this brave new world.

   All of the tech to implement this new system is already in place. The Patriot Act era year 2000  gives these plotters the quasi legal authority to do whatever they want.

   “They” have been planning for this day for generations. Those elderly among their top leadership just cannot wait any longer. Their natural time has about run out. They all are heavily deluded that they will become immortal gods and will live forever once this New Age of digital cyborgs begin to replace the elite of the human race.

   The next step in their plan is to spread another man made enhanced virus and then bring out their new treatment plan that will also have the tracking chip.  This device looks similar to a one inch square band aide. However, it has tiny barbed hooks on the under side which secure the patch onto the person, giving them their daily dose of this “faux vaccine.”

   As it says in the Bible, this “mark” is both On and In the right hand or forehead!  Why this location?  Because only these two locations are always exposed to the air. This heat difference exposure between the body and the outside air  is necessary to power the tiny chip thus imbedded in the back of the hand or forehead.  Think of this device as the microprocessor chip in your computer. This is the beginning of making people into cyborgs . Once the persons body hs been altered by this gene editing biological software, a person is no longer completely human, they can no longer be saved by Jesus shed blood. Remember how that Noah was the only person left  whose genetic makeup was still completely human? That had been and now still is the goal of the demon indwelt people.  This thought should make you gasp and your blood run cold when the reality of this situation sinks in.  This device was first announced a few months ago and is in human trials today.

   Why is today the day; the last final  days, weeks or months before the rapture of the church and the AntiChrist’s kingdom? I’m glad you asked that question.

   As I alluded to at the beginning of this article, we are at or even a bit past  six thousand years from Adam.  There are only seven days, or seven thousand years in God’s plan for mankind.  Abraham came at the end of the second day, era  two thousand years after creation and two thousand years before Jesus.  Jesus came at the end of the fourth day.  Jesus will come back at the end of the sixth day, and reign in the millennial kingdom on the seventh day, the Millennial Kingdom.

    The sixth day may have  already ended, and we may be  in double overtime!  Our ancient calendar is not exact. J Jesus died in the year thirty AD. The year 2030 will be two thousand years from then.  The context of  Jesus comment in Matthew ch 24 about “no man knows the day nor the hour”  was concerning the exact day of His second coming,.

   However, No, we really do not know exactly the day Jesus will be coming for us in the rapture.  He did say, however, that we are to watch faithfully.  Revelation chapter  three states that while the world will be surprised, we the faithful watchers will not be surprised, we will know when He is coming. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees that they could discern the weather, but were blind that they could not see His coming. Even so, everything around us shouts that Jesus coming is IMMINENT.

            Why we are the final generation.

   Ezekiel chapter thirty six  God is telling the land that was long desolate that He would bring His Hebrew people back to the land after centuries in exile. Ezekiel chapter thirty seven tells The Hebrew people that He would  bring them back to His land Israel.  In Ezekiel, chapter four, verses four to six, He tells His people they would be chastised 430 years because of their sins. The chastisement began in 606 BC. In Leviticus chapter twenty six, God also states that “if, after a time of chastisement my people do not repent, I will multiply the chastisement seven times.” After returning from the Babylon captivity, the Hebrew people did not repent.  So now the 360 years of chastisement left after Babylon was multiplied by seven times. This resulted in 2520 Hebrew years of  chastisement, and also  dispersal into the nations a generation  after they killed their Messiah. This was a total of 907,200 days.  In God’s provision, the Hebrews re-established their nation In Israel 907,201 days after the return from Babylon. This was May 14th, 1948.

   How long is it from 1948  to the end of the sixth day from Adam? Somewhere around fifty years,  How long is a generation? Biblically, Psalm 90:10 says between seventy to eighty years at the most. So therefore the second coming should be somewhere around  eighty years after 1948, or about 2030.  Our Rapture should be seven years before that.

   So yes, we should be Very close…  Are you paying attention?  Are you faithfully witnessing to all the lost people around us?

    There are different levels of rewards, or  status in heaven. Our rewards in heaven depend upon our faithful works down here in our generation.

   Daniel 12:3 KJV: And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever

Maranatha, Lewis Brackett


Jan Markel’s latest conference this week…


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